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  • New No 13, Old No 6/2, Sait Colony, IInd Street, Egmore, Chennai - 600008. Tamil Nadu, India

    Division 79 : Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service activities
    791  Travel agency and tour operator activities
     7911 Travel agency activities
       This class includes the activities of agencies, primarily engaged in selling travel, tour, transportation and accommodation services to the general and commercial clients
      79110Travel agency activities
       This class includes the activities of arranging and assembling tours that are sold through travel agencies or directly by tour operators. This class also includes the activities of tourist guides.
      79120 Tour operator activities
    799  Other reservation service and related activities
     7990 Other reservation service and related activities
       This class includes the activities of marketing and promoting of services for visitors by providing information and assistance to organizations to locate accommodation, convention centres and entertainment venues and other travel-related reservation services (including for transportation, hotels, rest restaurants, car rentals, entertainment and sport).
      79900Other reservation service and related activities
    256936 Times Visited